🏆2ndAward!! The Versatile Blogger Award❤

 #blogger #award #happy #thanks❤

Hello Guys!! 🙋

Today I was very please to find out that I was nominated for The VERSATILE BLOGGER award.Thank you Dear Mehul Singla for nominating me.



  1. You have to thank the person who nominated you for this award and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Link the nominees and inform them about their nomination.
  3. Nominate atleast 10 bloggers of your choice.
  4. Share 7 facts about yourself.

My nominations are:

  1. Prakash Hegade(https://itsphblog.wordpress.com/)
  2. Azara(https://simpleserenity.wordpress.com/)
  3. Chape(https://chapeblog.com/)
  4. Journal Edge(https://vikasacharya.wordpress.com/)
  5. aYoKa(https://glolaboadentiyi.wordpress.com/)
  6. Vedant(https://rhythmved.wordpress.com/)
  7. Cocinaitaly(https://cocinaitaly.wordpress.com/)
  8. Anil(https://anilcm.wordpress.com/)
  9. Miriyam(https://theshowersofblessig.wordpress.com/)
  10. Rohit Nag(https://rohitnagblog.wordpress.com/)

Seven facts about me:

  1. I am fun loving,emotional and friendly.
  2. I value my privacy and hate people who try to interfere in my life.
  3. I like to be alone. I am not a very social person.
  4. I love to write my blog.
  5. I like to read books and also write some short poem.
  6. I am not rude to people and avoid conversation if I don’t like them.
  7. I believe in true love.     


       Keep Blogging Fellas!!❤

      121 thoughts on “🏆2ndAward!! The Versatile Blogger Award❤

          1. “Optimism is the most important human trait, because it allows us to evolve our ideas, to improve our situation, and to hope for a better tomorrow.” ~ Seth Godin ^_^ ❤

            Liked by 1 person

      1. कलगी में मोती हो..मोती में ज्योति..ज्योति में जैसे खुशी मुस्कुरायी हो…बधाई हो बधाई हो बधाई हो 👏👏👏

        Liked by 1 person

          1. 😟नहीं ऐसे ही.बेवजह भी कभी कभी कर लेना चाहिए😊😆जब बड़ी खुशी ना मिले तो छोटी छोटी बटोरना चाहिए😇

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